1. 14
    Migrate a Thunk in a Redux Application to an RTK Query Mutation
    1m 9s

Migrate a Thunk in a Redux Application to an RTK Query Mutation

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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Here we use builder.mutation() to define a mutation in our API. What is a mutation? Well it's basically a POST request or anything that would modify something on the server. You'll notice builder.mutation() and builder.query() look very similar except here we are passing the URL in an options object and that's only because we want to pass method and body as well. The query here could potentially also be a string just like in builder.query.

You probably noticed that we removed the refetch that was happening with dispatch(getDogs()). That will be replaced in the next lesson with the refetch method.

More information about the options you can pass into builder.mutation can be found here: https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/mutations