1. 6
    Migrate a GET Request with a Dynamic URL to RTK Query with builder.query()
    1m 21s

Migrate a GET Request with a Dynamic URL to RTK Query with builder.query()

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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If you have a hook for a query such useGetDogQuery() what you pass in that hook will be accessible in your builder.query's query option.

So if I said const {data} = useGetDogQuery(id) I could access that value here builder.query({ query: (id) => "dog/" + id }). But it doesn't just have to be a string, this would also be valid. useGetDogQuery({ id }) and builder.query({ query: (options) => "dog/" + options.id }), for example.

You can read more about defining queries here: https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/queries