1. 7
    Handle Loading and Error States in RTK Query with isLoading and Error Values
    2m 11s

Handle Loading and Error States in RTK Query with isLoading and Error Values

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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Both queries and mutations in RTK Query return isLoading and error values from the hook you call in your component. There are also about 8 other values you have access to in your component.

While isLoading is pretty obvious it's important to understand how the error value is put together. They contain the status and data properties, where data is whatever is returned from the server. Also unlike fetch, RTK Query will respond with an error on non-200 responses. However, RTK Query won't ever throw unless you call .unwrap() on a failed request.

See https://redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/error-handling#overview for more info.