Confirm a Wallet Owns an NFT in a Smart Contract

InstructorRyan Harris

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To confirm ownership we first have to add a confirmOwnership method to our smart contract and redeploy it.

Then, we can call that confirmOwnership method on the connected smart contract within a useEffect hook in our React dApp.

~ 2 years ago

Hey Ryan, I have a question on this scan in process. I have tried using the barcode that is generated from metamask when tapping on 'Request Funds'. Unsure why the QR code is unable to scan this. I also scanning it using a third party qr scanner with no luck.

However, when I copy pasted the QR code generated from the chrome extension (not from the native app) the QR code is able to be read, both by this app we are building and the third party app.

This issue actually caused me to think about how really anyone with a users QR code would be able to be checked in. Have you run into a similar issue?