Update an NFT’s Image and Other Metadata

InstructorRyan Harris

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We want to update the “Checked In” property on our NFT tickets once a user checks in with our dApp.

To accomplish this we create checkIn method in our smart contract. To write checkIn we can just copy and paste a large portion of our mint method and remove the call to safeMint, set the id to the user’s token, set Checked In to true, and replace the placeholder image with our IPFS image.

~ 2 years ago
  1. the Rinkeby url and method you described does not work (the url you mention leads to a 404) so I had to use Goerli instead.

  2. I get this error when deploying to network:

reason: 'insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost', code: 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS',

You inexplicably have funds in your wallet but do not describe how to get them ourselves. I have tried multiple faucets but none distribute enough evidently

Zac Jones
~ 2 years ago
  1. the Rinkeby url and method you described does not work (the url you mention leads to a 404) so I had to use Goerli instead.
  2. I get this error when deploying to network: reason: 'insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost', code: 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS', You inexplicably have funds in your wallet but do not describe how to get them ourselves. I have tried multiple faucets but none distribute enough evidently

This guide from alchemy might help with your error: https://www.alchemy.com/overviews/goerli-faucet