React with-addons - ReactLink

InstructorJoe Maddalone

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It can be tedious to type out all the boilerplate needed to get the DOM and states in React to synchronize. Luckily, React provides a version of the toolkit with a selection of available addons. This lesson is going to dig into ReactLink, and how this addon can give you two-way binding.

~ 9 years ago

Right now (December 29, 2015), React does not support mixins when using React ES6 classes.

"No Mixins Unfortunately ES6 launched without any mixin support. Therefore, there is no support for mixins when you use React with ES6 classes. Instead, we're working on making it easier to support such use cases without resorting to mixins."

~ 9 years ago

As said on

Right now (December 29, 2015), React does not support mixins when using React ES6 classes.

"No Mixins Unfortunately ES6 launched without any mixin support. Therefore, there is no support for mixins when you use React with ES6 classes. Instead, we're working on making it easier to support such use cases without resorting to mixins."