1. 16
    Automatically Import CSS in JavaScript with webpack using style-loader and css-loader
    3m 25s

Automatically Import CSS in JavaScript with webpack using style-loader and css-loader

InstructorAndy Van Slaars

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JavaScript files aren't the only type of asset that webpack can bundle. In this lesson, we'll add a CSS file to our boilerplate and then install and configure the appropriate loaders in webpack to handle the CSS that's imported into our project.

David Villanueva
~ 6 years ago

could be pretty helpful the implementation of CSS modules in this section.

Ahmed Soliman
~ 5 years ago

could be pretty helpful the implementation of CSS modules in this section. On point.

Denis OSullivan
~ 3 years ago

the latest css and style loaders won't work with webpack 4, so I used the following versions which do work with webpack v4.25.1 "css-loader": "^3.6.0", "style-loader": "^1.3.0",