Build A Markdown-Based Static Website with Vuepress

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Some websites are less interactive and more informative. These websites just need a simple setup and we can manage and update them using Markdown. An example of such are documentation websites, online labs/guides, blogs, and even some commercial websites.

Vuepress reduces the time spent on setting up a website down to as simple as writing a configuration object and creating Markdown files. It then transforms and generates a website for you based on these two ingredients.

This lesson shows how to quickly get started with Vuepress and showcases some of it's important configs.

Ale Narvaja
~ 6 years ago

Hello, I have a problem initializing the project. It return an error: (node:88634) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: res.getHeader is not a function

That could be happening? Thanks

Daiki Maeno
~ 5 years ago


It could be possible you are not on the folder where you have the markdown file.