Loading Compiled TypeScript Files in Browser with SystemJS

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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TypeScript outputs JavaScript, but what are you supposed to do with it? This lesson shows how to take the output and use SystemJS as the module loader so that you can use the files in your browser.

~ 8 years ago

Could not find systemjs at https://npmcdn.com.

However, I found a copy to use at https://cdnjs.com/libraries/systemjs

~ 8 years ago

I'm getting an error on the lines of "system.js:4 Uncaught (in promise) Error: (SystemJS) Unexpected token <". Here is my System.config object: System.config = { packages: { "dist": { "defaultExtension": "js", "main": "main" } } }; System.import("dist");

Any suggestions?

~ 8 years ago
    packages: {
        "dist": {
            "defaultExtension": 'js',
            "main": 'app'


Dont use equals "=", just send as parameter to config method

~ 8 years ago

Hi John, thanks for this great video, which includes a bunch of useful tips in addition to the main topic.

I want my Typescript code to compile into a single JS file. I've accomplished this using the simple tsconfig parameter outFile. However I now have a single file with many SystemJS modules. How do I load all of those modules into my index.html? I can't get it to work

John Lindquistinstructor
~ 8 years ago

Include the output bundle in a script tag <script src="output.js"> then System.import('whatever-the-entry-file-is')

Jobelo Andres Quintero Rodriguez
~ 7 years ago

I'm getting this error on my console when I open the url:

common.js:83 Uncaught (in promise) Error: two_1.Two is not a constructor Evaluating http://localhost:3005/dist/main.js Loading dist at Object.eval (main.js:3) at eval (main.js:12) at eval (main.js:13) at eval (<anonymous>) at Pe (evaluate.js:106) at instantiate.js:365 at j (register-loader.js:658) at S (register-loader.js:609) at x (register-loader.js:518) at register-loader.js:119

Someone help me please, thank you

~ 7 years ago

Big thanks, John. I'm starting to love TypeScript.

Sports Whispers
~ 7 years ago

~~So if you are running http-server -c-1 in ts-lessons folder ... how are you able to access index.html? Because it's in src folder and when I go to http://localhost:8080 it just shows me the list of directories/files.~~

Got it, index.html goes into the ts-lessons directory and not the src one. :)

P.S. Also, the strikethrough markdown doesn't seem to be working here! :/

~ 6 years ago
~ 6 years ago

so basically System.js functions the same as Browserify?

Andrew Davis
~ 6 years ago

This lesson is quite outdated.