Pipe data from one npm script to another

InstructorElijah Manor

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In an effort to bypass saving temporary build files you can leverage piping and output redirection to streamline your build process. In addition using these technique can speed up your build process.

Sean Stephenson
~ 7 years ago

In this (and subsequent lessons) there is a data.json file that is referenced in package.json however that file is not in the repo. Do I download it from somewhere.

Note, I also filed this is an issue here:



Sean Stephenson
~ 7 years ago

ahhhh, i need to run npm start to generate this file. i see. sorry about that. all good!

Elijah Manorinstructor
~ 6 years ago

ahhhh, i need to run npm start to generate this file. i see. sorry about that. all good!

glad you figured it out :)