1. 26
    Configure Stripe for Production and Deploy Next.js Application with Vercel
    6m 4s

Configure Stripe for Production and Deploy Next.js Application with Vercel

InstructorJon Meyers

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There are a few steps to go through to push our application and all of our services to production!

  1. In order to "activate" our Stripe account, we need to fill out some details about our business.

  2. Update everywhere [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) is referenced in our application to use the CLIENT_URL environment variable, which can be set to localhost in .env.local.

  3. Create a GitHub repo, and commit and push all of our changes.

  4. Create a Vercel account, import project from GitHub, configure all environment variables and deploy!

  5. Use our Vercel domain to configure our Customer Portal and Webhooks in Stripe.

  6. Update STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET environment variable in Vercel and manually redeploy.

  7. Update our Site URL in Supabase and remove our test user and profile records.

  8. Create a function hook in Supabase to use our Vercel domain

We now have a SaaS application deployed to the Internet that we can start making that side hustle money from!! πŸŽ‰

~ 2 years ago

This tutorial was great and helped me create my Saas. I have one issue now that my application is live. I have changed my stripe secret key, but when I create a user, I am no longer getting the stripe ID in the stripe_customer field. Any clues as to why this is happening? I'm currently not getting any errors.

~ 2 years ago

Actually I just figured out my problem. I change my webhook in supabase to mydomain.com/api/create-stripe-customer but I should've just left it at the initial vercel domain that was added in the previous tutorial.

Qasim Ali Zahid
~ a year ago

Your remarkable efforts blew me away. I just started with Next.js and I think it will be very helpful for me in the future.