Implement User Login in Remix with a Form Strategy and Session Storage

InstructorIan Jones

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Here comes the bulk of complexity when dealing with authentication. You need to handle verifying that a user account exists in the database and when it passes somehow referencing it throughout your application.

A great way to do this is through Session Storage. You can implement session storage with HTTP cookies (which is what you will do here) or with a database. You’ll implement functions commitSession, destroySession, and getSession but luckily the Remix docs will give you a head start here.

Along with session storage, you will need to implement an authentication strategy. Again there are a few ways you can do this whether that’s magic email, 3rd party auth like GitHub or Twitter, or email / password. Because you are already accepting email / password, that is what you will do!

ed leach
~ 2 years ago

Request: I'd like a short course on the remix-auth authenticator.