1. 3
    Create Your First Remix Route
    1m 6s

Create Your First Remix Route

InstructorKent C. Dodds

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The routes in your Remix app are based on the file structure within your routes folder. You can create a new route by making a new folder under routes and creating an index.tsx inside of it.

Then in the index file you can make a new default export that returns a React component. Once that is saved, whatever you have in your component will render to the page.

Patrik Affentranger
~ a year ago

The installed app has a _index.tsx file as opposed to an index.tsx file. When renaming the file and removing the underscore the app renders nothing for a reason that is only clear when reading the index-routes guide on the remix website. Maybe a quick note of why it's _index.tsx as opposed to index.tsx in the video and notes would be helpful?