Use Recoil Selectors to Make API Calls in React

InstructorYoni Weisbrod

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Selectors are great for automatically triggering API calls with Recoil because they are automatically run as soon as any dependencies are updated, and because selectors are shared across your application.

Be aware that Recoil will cache your selector values, so asynchronous selectors are best utilized when the data is not meant to change throughout the life-cycle of an application. Fetching a user's avatar would be a good use case.

When writing asynchronous selectors, one thing to keep in mind is that React must always know what to render - even while your data is being fetched. One solution for this is to use Suspense, a React component that allows you to supply a fallback value to render until your data returns. In this lesson, we'll look at how to call APIs inside selectors and handle situations where selectors return promises.