React Testing: Reusing test boilerplate

InstructorTrevor Miller

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Setting up a shallow renderer for each test can be redundant, especially when trying to write similar tests that have slight tweaks. In this lesson, we go over how you can reduce some of the overlapping code so that each test only contains the unique pieces of the test.

~ 9 years ago
    function renderLikeCounter(isActive) {
      const renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();
      renderer.render(<LikeCounter count={5} isActive={isActive} />);
      return renderer.getRenderOutput().props.className.includes('LikeCounter--active');

I am wondering about how this code actually works: we have a function param = isActive and a prop name isActive. How does it figure that out? In Java this would only work with this.isActive = isActive.

Trevor Millerinstructor
~ 9 years ago

Hi Andreas,

In this lesson, we are using the JSX syntax for our component, which is an XML-like syntax supported by React. JSX "...lets you create JavaScript objects using HTML syntax", so when we use isActive={isActive} on our <LikeCounter /> JSX component, under the hood it is just passing a JavaScript object that looks like {isActive: true}.

To learn more about how JSX works under the hood, the React JSX docs may be helpful:

Additionally, the following article might be helpful to better explain how React converts JSX into component instances:

Jernej S
~ 9 years ago

Just personal preference (or suggestion): I returned className property from function and for class name inclusion I use expect(<list>).toInclude(<item>) (or toExclude). :)

Zachary Klein
~ 9 years ago

This video mostly makes up for what was lacking in the first one. :) But I think that this video would stand well on it's own, even without the preceding one. Just my two credits.

Qualitype GmbH
~ 9 years ago

@trevordmiller I'm interested in seeing how would I test a stateless component that just receives methods? Would I have to recreate those methods to be able to instantiate the component?

Sorry, new to the testing. Thanks in the advance :)

import React from 'react';

const TodoAddNew = ({value, handleNewTodoInputChange}) => {
    return (
        <footer className="content-container">
            <label htmlFor="newTodo">So what's next?:</label>

            <input id="newTodo" type="text"
                   placeholder="take out the trash 😢"
                   value={ value }
                   onChange={ handleNewTodoInputChange }/>

            <button className="btn btn-submit" type="submit">Submit</button>

TodoAddNew.propTypes = {
    value: React.PropTypes.string,
    appendField: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    handleNewTodoInputChange: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired

export default TodoAddNew;