1. 23
    Redux: Extracting Container Components (VisibleTodoList, AddTodo)
    6m 19s

Redux: Extracting Container Components (VisibleTodoList, AddTodo)

InstructorDan Abramov

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Learn how to avoid the boilerplate of passing the props down the intermediate components by introducing more container components.

~ 7 years ago

These videos deserve a Nobel. I've never experienced anything taught so well.

Anil Jeeyani
~ 6 years ago

Hi Dan, I am wondering on store.subscribe() to VisibleTodoList and FilterLink container components. so do they render same time whenever store changes? like in async way?

~ 6 years ago

how to use forceUpdate in React hooks ?

~ 5 years ago

You have a lot of components in one file. In real world use would you separate each component to its own file?

Zac Jones
~ 5 years ago

@Michael The amount of components in one file in the lesson above is definitely extreme. File/component structure will largely depend on your team preferences and isn't strictly 1-to-1 on component to file.

In Build A React App With Redux, Andy structures his app in a more common pattern though you'll notice that for something like a TodoList he'll define a TodoItem inline.