React Native: Create a Swipe Panel

InstructorJoe Maddalone

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In this lesson we'll use PanResponder and LayoutAnimation to create a smoothly animated Swipe Panel commonly implemented in iOS and Android applications.

~ 9 years ago

Hey Joe -

Fantastic lesson! I've been trying to make what you showed at the very end - the list of swipe components. I (nearly) have it perfected in one form but the other, I'm trying to get it to where when you swipe right, you get one option, and left, you get another. The issue I'm having is when I swipe right and have left closed/right closed, it opens the left side (ok). When I then swipe left to close the left side, it opens the right side (in state, though I can't get it styled to open like the left side). Any idea how this could be happening?

My code is here:

Thank you again for the lessons. Well worth the subscription!