Add Redux to an Existing React Native Application

InstructorChris Achard

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First, install redux with: npm install --save redux and install react-redux with: npm install --save react-redux

In the top level of your component tree, import createStore from redux, and use it to create a new store with a simple reducer:

import { createStore } from 'redux'

const rootReducer = (state = {}, action) => { return state }

const store = createStore(rootReducer)

Also import Provider from react-redux:

import { Provider } from 'react-redux'

And then wrap your app's components with a Provider component, and pass in your store as a prop:

<Provider store={store}> ... </Provider>

Then, you can connect any sub components with the connect function, by first importing it:

import { connect } from 'react-redux'

And then calling it with a mapStateToProps or mapDispatchToProps argument, and then passing in the unconnected component:

const ConnectedLoginGate = connect(state => ({ username: state.auth.username }))(LoginGate)