Fundamentals of Rendering Data as an SVG Bar Graph with D3, scaleBand, and scaleLinear

InstructorJason Brown

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In this lesson we'll start by using d3-scale to build up a scaleBand for our x data and a scaleLinear for our y data points to allow them to map and extrapolate our data correctly to renderable bars. We'll add in padding between each bar, and then using the svg rect will render a collection of bars.

Cory Armbrecht
~ 6 years ago

Could you tell me the reason for the xSelector (and also ySelector) in this example? I don't understand why you would need to have a selector wrapping the datum that you're going to access anyways:

d => d.x vs d => xSelector(d)

Within xScale(), I don't understand scaleBand().domain(). Shouldn't domain be the length of an array? The x position of the <rect> I would think would be determined by i or data.length, not by a set of numbers like yScale (the numbers of d.y correlate to the heights of the <rect>), but index determines x position or offset, otherwise they wouldn't be spaced evenly. Thanks for any insight here.