Create a Responsive Animated Progress Bar in React Native

InstructorJason Brown

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In this lesson we'll show how to structure views to create a responsive progress bar (without defining a set width). It will allow for dynamic border, bar, and fill colors. We'll finish off by showing how to add animation to make the progress indicator smoothly transition.

Samuel Suther
~ 6 years ago

I have a question about the animation of the progressbar. I have changed you code to jump from 0 to 70% like this:

        this.setState(state => {
            return {
                progress: state.progress + 0.7,

I've expected an linear animation from 0 to 70%, but the animation is shown in three steps. (See animated Gif here:

Did you have a hint for me, how to get an linear animation from 0 - 70 % without any stepping?

Found the solution:

Animation stuck on Emulator, on real Device, it works like a charm.