Cleaning up our Functional Components with Custom Hooks

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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In this lesson we take all of the hooks and logic from our <ExchangeRate> component and put them into a custom hook called useCurrencyCodes().

What's the difference between a custom hook and a function we can use to organize our logic? Not much, really. Because custom hooks usually execute other hooks, they cannot be called conditionally (meaning we can't say if (ready) useCustomHook()). They must be called in the component's function body or in another custom hook. Redux hooks and React's built-in hooks are both included in our custom hook and work seamlessly together.

Not only is it convenient to organize your logic in custom hooks, it makes them more sharable and testable as well. I don't recommend putting all of your logic into one large hook, but instead, consider where it would make your component easier to read by combining related hooks and logic into their own function.

For more details about this pattern please check out this article from the React docs: