Build a Reusable React Native UI Component

InstructorTyler McGinnis

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In this lesson we'll create a reusable React Native separator component which manages it's own styles.

~ 9 years ago

Could you tell us how you get autocomplete at 1:30?


Tyler McGinnisinstructor
~ 9 years ago

I cut out the part of me typing it all out so the video flows easier and the viewer doesn't have to sit and watch me type :) I agree though, that would be an awesome IDE feature.

~ 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply!

I have another question. I had React.propType.object.isRequired instead of React.PropType.object.isRequired (minor typo) and it was really difficult for me to debug. The exception error did not give me any information about whereabouts the error was occurring. The stack trace was useless. The exception I got was "Cannot read property 'object' of undefined." Is this just the current state of React/React-native or am I missing something?

~ 9 years ago

Nvm! I was able to locate what was causing the error by Enabling "Pause On Caught Exceptions" on Chrome Debugger and stepping through it.