1. 6
    Access Redux Data in a Component with the TypeScript-enabled useAppSelector hook
    1m 21s

Access Redux Data in a Component with the TypeScript-enabled useAppSelector hook

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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The useSelector hook from react-redux is incredibly easy to use, but doesn't work super well with TypeScript. The useAppSelector function we created in the last lesson solves this by telling it that state is always going to be of the RootState type we created.

const products = useAppSelector((state) => state.products.products);

This only works with function components. Class components cannot use hooks and need to use the legacy connect higher order component to gain access to data in the redux store.

Once we type the useAppSelector method and our individual slices we don't need any special type syntax as its all covered by the RootState type we defined earlier.

Anytime the redux store changes, the selector function passed in to useAppSelector will be executed. If the value returned is not an exact match to the last returned value, redux will force the component to re-render.

useSelector/useAppSelector can also take a second argument, an equality function. Using _.isEqual from Lodash for example could help prevent additional renders in some cases. react-redux also includes a shallowEqual method that will compare all of the key/value pairs of an object one layer deep. That works well if your selector return an object made up of strings, numbers or booleans.

import { shallowEqual, useSelector } from 'react-redux'
const selectedData = useSelector(selectorReturningObject, shallowEqual)