Add Nx to a Lerna based monorepo

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In this lesson, we're going to have a look at how to add Nx to a Yarn / NPM / PNPM monorepo for achieving faster task scheduling abilities. In particular, we also see how Lerna v5.1+ comes with an easy useNx: true opt-in flag, allowing to use Nx to run tasks, but keeping the old Lerna commands.

Ricky LEE
~ 2 years ago

Hello ! Is this course still in production?

Juri Strumpflohnerinstructor
~ 2 years ago

Hey Ricky 👋

This is just a one-off but I am going to record a very similar one next week, about pnpm based monorepos with Nx etc 😀

Meanwhile if Nx is something that you’re interested in, here are some of my previous courses:

They focus mostly on Nx with its powerful plugin system. The new course I’m working on focuses on lightweight incremental adoption of Nx.

Anything in particular you’d be interested in there?