Continous iterative development in Node.js using nodemon

InstructorAkash Gutha

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In this lesson, we will look at a node module nodemon which stands for node-monitor. it enables us to do continuous development by monitoring our files for changes and re-running our file when it detects any changes. this is helpful while we are developing and want to see the changes continuously without waiting.

to install nodemon run npm install --global nodemon in the cmd or terminal.

Alan Plum
~ 7 years ago

The audio quality on this video is pretty bad making Akash very hard to understand. Like a low-bandwidth VOIP call with heavy compression and clipping. Might want to change that before recording additional content.

Akash Guthainstructor
~ 7 years ago

The audio quality on this video is pretty bad making Akash very hard to understand. Like a low-bandwidth VOIP call with heavy compression and clipping. Might want to change that before recording additional content.

Hi Alan, looked into your concerns. It is a mistake from my audio source. Somehow switched the recording device to the internal microphone on my laptop. Will fix this issue as soon as possible.