1. 19
    Scaffold a New Blog Post Article Automatically With Nx Workspace Generators
    8m 19s

Scaffold a New Blog Post Article Automatically With Nx Workspace Generators

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Once we finish our portfolio site, hopefully, one of the main activities we'd be doing with it is to create new content. Thus we want to automate the creation of a new blog article, which includes the creation of a new MDX file in the _articles folder as well as initialize the article's front matter with the title, author, and creation date.

Nx has a powerful concept, called generators. While many of them come already built into the Nx plugins (e.g. @nrwl/next, @nrwl/react,...), we can also define our own, Nx Workspace Generators. This is exactly what we leverage to scaffold new blog articles.

Prefer to read along as well? Here's the accompanying article

~ 2 years ago

When I tried to use command create-article, I've got the error: TS5042: Option 'project' cannot be mixed with source files on a command line.