Write a Custom Function Component in React with JSX

InstructorChris Achard

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React components are functions that return JSX (which looks like HTML, but is actually a flavor of javascript).

Once you create a new function component that returns JSX, you can then use it from inside of another component by returning it like any other component.

Laureline Paris
~ 3 years ago

Hello, I would have correct the first thing said: the convention bit regarding the capital letter. "Notice it starts with a capital letter, that's important for functions by convention" I would have said: this convention ( starting the name with a capital letter ) is not applied for all functions. Here, the capital letter is applied because this function is actually representing a component ( which is specified in React doc to be a convention ) , but also more than that : it is representing a factory function ( implicitly, React returns an extended React.Component if I'm not mistaken )