1. 4
    Proper use of console.assert in JavaScript
    3m 6s

Proper use of console.assert in JavaScript

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Learn about console.assert, which is syntactic sugar for logging an error the console when a given condition is not met. It's useful, but may not do what you expect if you're coming from another language - watch this lesson to learn how to use it, and when not to.

Nishchal Gautam
~ 8 years ago

BTW, console.assert is very useful if you're doing a quick TDD when you're writing on JSBIN or something like that. So you might want to do something like:


console.assert(myFn(3) === 3);
console.assert(myFn(6) === 3);
console.info("All tests passed");

then implement the function so that there are no errors in console and then finally delete the console calls.