Create an Endpoint With AWS Lambda and API Gateway

InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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AWS makes setting up an endpoint straightforward.

In this lesson, you will learn how to create an AWS Lambda function that returns JSON data, and then use API Gateway to set up an endpoint with a public URL.

mathias gheno
~ 3 years ago

I had a error in the creation of my lambda function. The error was "Warning: Not authorized to perform: lambda:GetFunction for at least one of the lambda functions. Deployment will not be skipped even if service files did not change." and also "Stack:arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:258835071595:stack/aws-lambda-serverless-dev/5d0d0dd0-a33a-11ec-b697-12393fae425f is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE".

I solved it deleting in the AWS console everything I had in the CloudFormation, I added the "lambda:GetFunction" in the yml file and also created a user as admin because the one with CloudFormation and Lambda full access didnt work. Im just testing so maybe this is not all related.

  - "lambda:GetFunction"
    - ""
    - - "arn:aws:lambda:::"
      - "Ref" : "ServerlessDeploymentBucket"
      - "/*"