Create a new empty Nx Workspace

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In this lesson we're going to use the create-nx-workspace npm package to generate and configure a new Nx workspace. While there exist different preset options for a new workspace, in this lesson we're generating a new empty one and quickly walk through the main characteristics of it.

Maksym S.
~ 4 years ago

Why there is only VS Code all the time on the screen? :P

Juri Strumpflohnerinstructor
~ 4 years ago

๐Ÿ™‚ I like VSCode although I also use Webstorm for coding.

For videos however I almost always default to VSCode:

  1. because it's open source and freely available
  2. most ppl use it/are familiar with it and thus results in less mental overhead when watching the video ๐Ÿ™‚
~ 8 months ago

Since the last update to this course (it currently says "Updated 3 years ago"), the workspace setup prompts have changed. Unsure of what to choose, as the options are very different from what the video shows, so I am just guessing, ha! Would love to know what I should choose to stay as close as possible to this course.

Juri Strumpflohnerinstructor
~ 8 months ago

Hey! Yeah keeping these up to date is tough. But even though some of the setup changed, the overall flow of the course is still representative. It might just not be 100% the same as shown all the time.

You can choose a React setup instead of just an empty one, that'll skip you ahead of manually installing the corresponding React Nx plugin as shown in the next video. As a short-hand just append --preset=react-monorepo to the create-nx-workspace command you've been using :)

~ 8 months ago

Thanks, Juri! I super appreciate your response!