Format Markdown Files for Gatsby.js

InstructorTaylor Bell

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Gatsby looks at the “frontmatter” at the top of each Markdown file when building your blog. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to add necessary information for building your posts.

~ 6 years ago

Bash oneliner to create the index.js files

✔ ~/devel/my-blog
10:56 $ for dir in src/pages/2018-10-19-* ; do touch $dir/ ;  done
✔ ~/devel/my-blog
10:57 $ tree ./src/pages/
├── 2018-10-19-first-post
│   └── index.js
├── 2018-10-19-second-post
│   └── index.js
├── 2018-10-19-third-post
│   └── index.js
└── index.js

3 directories, 4 files

Thanks to @Farakh Malik for spotting a typo

Farakh Malik
~ 6 years ago

@Rob Thank you so much. Wish I saw this earlier! By the way: you have a typo, it should be 2018-10-19 instead of 20180-10-19

for dir in src/pages/2018-10-19-* ; do touch $dir/ ; done

~ 6 years ago

@Farakh you are welcome and that was a good spot, nice catch, thanks for that!

I'll edit it so that it is copy paste-able for the next passer by.