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    Choose Between Grid or Flexbox for CSS Layout
    3m 11s

Choose Between Grid or Flexbox for CSS Layout

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Learn the fundamental difference between CSS grid and flexbox layout, and create utility classes for each display value. Then begin to apply and expand these concepts to style the landing page navigation.

~ 2 years ago

Hello Stephanie ,

grid-auto-flow: column; does not work. It does nothing.

Lucas Minter
~ 2 years ago

Hey alok-37, are you still having this issue? Have you double-checked your code against her source code? https://github.com/5t3ph/course-grid-flexbox-landing-page/tree/master/lessons/01-choosing-grid-or-flexbox

~ 2 years ago

Hello Lucas, thank you for responding. I somehow got the navbar working.

~ 2 years ago

I have lots of problems with SASS variables. I simply cannot get this to work. https://github.com/alok-37/javascript-projects

Lucas Minter
~ 2 years ago

Stephanie has a course on the fundamentals of css and sass that should help you with your issue. https://egghead.io/courses/learn-the-fundamentals-of-css-and-sass-to-create-modern-and-responsive-layouts-f341