Turn a JSON string Into Typed Data in Elm

InstructorMurphy Randle

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Turning JSON strings into types, also known as JSON Decoding is an important part of using Elm. It allows the programmer to use json-encoded data while staying completely aware of when the JSON might not match the programmer's expectations, all without throwing a run-time error! This lesson will show the viewer how to turn a simple JSON object into an analogous Elm record and use it to render some content to the screen.

Cristian Gabbanini
~ 5 years ago

Hi, I don't know precisely since when, but in recent versions Elm has been providing some helpers which could simplify JSON decoding (at least for structures of low/average complexity).

So, if anybody is stumbling upon this lesson, I'd suggest to have a look here: https://guide.elm-lang.org/effects/json.html#combining-decoders

In fact, we could just use the Json.Decode module (https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/5.1.1/Json-Decode) and do the following:

personDecoder :  Decoder Person
personDecoder = 
  map3 Person
        (field "name" string)
        (field "email" string)
        (field "favouriteNumber" int)

Thanks for this lesson! I am a newbie to Elm and every info is precious to me 🏅