Install Turborepo in an Existing Monorepo

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At the root of our project, we'll run npm install turbo --save-dev to install Turborepo.

We'll also look at how to configure Turborepo in the turbo.json file. We'll look into the $schema and how it affects our configuration.

~ a year ago

Considering that both the nextjs and react apps come with their own .gitignore files, what are your thoughts on multiple .gitignore files? I've seen some say it's bad but I think we have two options since this is a monorepo. 1. let each app handle it's own, 2. merge everything into one file at the root. In the 1st approach I had to add a .gitignore to the utils workspace just to ignore the dist folder. So dist is ignored 3 times (once for each workspace) which has me kinda thinking about merging. But what if I merge and then forget that next has a .next folder? In that case it could be good to let each app/workspace handle it's own. So I'm undecided.

On a related note, create-next-app initialized it's own git repo so I had to delete the .git folder so I wouldn't have a repo inside a repo. But I was wondering is there a use case for having a repo in a repo?
